For this project, I decided to make a logo for my sorority’s philanthropy which is building strong girls. This is also my topic so that is how my logo relates to it. The logo is three silhouettes of girls standing in a strong, confident stance with the title that says, “We build strong girls.” When creating the girl’s silhouette, I was inspired by a statue in New York City known as the “fearless girl.” She stands before an intimidating bull but has a strong and fearless stance. I knew I wanted to have a girl standing with her hands on her hip, and that’s when I thought of this statue and what it represents. I knew I wanted to include it in my project.

Before I began, I reviewed last weeks tracing tutorial as research. My design process started with created a circle while holding down “shift”. I then added my text and then gave it an arc effect so it would flow with the shape of the circle. Next, I found a photo of the “fearless girl” online. I used the pen tool to outline the shape of the girl. I used the shape builder tool and used vectors to make sure it could be scalable. After this, I copied this to create three girls. I adjected the shape and size of each to make them appear slightly different. I then used the linear center align tool to these girl shapes. I decided to create 3 girls because the number 3 is significant to Gamma Phi Beta. I also think having 3 girls gives balance to the logo look. I then added the Greek letters of Gamma Phi Beta to add detail and familiarity. Lastly, I used the gradient tool to the circle background to create a gradient look. I used pink because it is Gamma Phi Beta’s color and also is associated with girls.

Here are my sources which are the photo of the “Fearless Girl” and the site I used to get the greek letters.

Draft Logo Project

5 thoughts on “Draft Logo Project

  1. The start to your logo looks awesome so far! I like how easy it is to tell what your logo/”brand” is about. I would suggest going with the lighter pink for the background, so it’s more cohesive with your other project. And if you’re wanting to do the gradient, going with a white, or slightly darker light pink. I would also try looking for a different angle for the three girls to show more of the outline of their hair. With the outline of their heads, it’s a little difficult to see that they’re the outline of the “fearless girl” statue. I’m excited to see how it turns out in the end!


  2. With the size and shape of the circle that you used to create this, I imagine it on a button or a pin, and because of that I really like how the gradient looks and fits in your design. One thing that stood out to me was the girls’ skirts, I think that the two outside girls should be a reflection of each other so there is an extra sense of symmetry in your logo. Tying into that, the middle girl I think should have a skirt that is even on both sides, unlike the other two. Having to nitpick to find another thing that stands out to needing change, the “strong girls” could have a little bit more of a bend in it to go with the curve of your shape more. Finally, and this is just a formatting matter, I don’t think that you need the large white square around your logo.


  3. Hi Grace, your image is very well done, and I really like your topic most importantly. An image is only as good as the thought put into it. The gradient colors you used are amazing, they have a great blend to it, so nothing gets over compensated. One thing I might suggest is adding feet to the girls, it will make the picture look more complete as a whole. Another thing I might add is adding in a drop shadow to your text, this will make the image pop more and give the picture a bit more depth. If you don’t want to go the drop shadow route, you can always copy your text and add a different color to and move it slightly to add a depth effect. You image is coming together extremely well; I can’t wait to see the finished product!! Goodluck on the rest of your project!


  4. I love this graphic! It’s really smart and I love some of the symbolism and usage of external ideas and things to implement in your design (the fearless girl, the number three being significant, etc.). The pink on the graphic looks really good too, it immediately catches your eye and brings the viewer in quickly. It all comes together really well. I would say something you could do to make this design better would be to make the bend of the text match the curve of the circle for the bottom text of the graphic. It looks a little lopsided when the text doesn’t quite match that curve. You could also smooth the edges out on the silhouettes of the girls. Good graphic, good job!


  5. After reviewing the comments my peers gave me and some self-reflection of my own work, there are a couple of different things I plan to do in my final. Firstly, I am going to redo my outline of the “fearless girl” making it crisper and smoother. I also want to add hair and shoes to the girl. Another thing I plan to do is to give the background a lighter pink color to it. I also want to make the text more even and curved better to fit the shape of the circle. I may have to use a different strategy or photo to use for my outline of the girls in my photo. Overall, I know I have a lot of work to do for my final draft to make it better. I think my first draft was a good start and has a good foundation, but I can add more details to it to make it stronger.


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