Final Portfolio

Here is my final portfolio that includes 6 of my projects that I completed over this semester for COM COMSTRAT 381. I used Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, Audition, and InDesign. This course with Ben Pingel at WSU has taught me a variety of skills in these platforms as well as design principals and advertising techniques. I have enjoyed it very much, and I hope you enjoy my portfolio. Thank you!

Product Poster Series

Brief Description
In this project, I created three posters to promote the company Alaska Airlines containing a message and call to action.


Programs Used
Adobe Illustrator

I learned about the importance of consistency when building a brand and choosing powerful images.

Logo Rebrand

Brief Description
In this project I created logos for a provided business searching for fonts and colors that matched the tone.


Programs Used
Adobe Illustrator

I learned how to use the shape builder tool and the importance of finding the fitting font for a brand. I also learned that you want your logo to be versatile so that it can be used in many different ways.

Event Ad

Brief Description
In this project, I was prompted to create a black and white, professional ad for a given dentist office with a provided headshot and text.


Programs Used
Adobe InDesign

I learned how to place images in different shapes and how to make something your own work even when given specific content to use.

Print Ad

Brief Description
In this project, I took photos of the product Coca-Cola and created a print advertisement for their company.


Programs Used
Adobe Photoshop

I learned about the photo enhancements in Photoshop as well as the advantage of negative space.

Personal Project

Brief Description
After attending the 2020 Adobe MAX conference, I created a project that showcases what I learned during the 3-day conference using content and programs of my choice.


Programs Used
Adobe Premiere

I learned how to use transition in Adobe Premiere and the importance of editing short and exciting clips to hold your audience’s attention.